Final Film

  This is my final film, Broken, it’s 2 mins cut out animation film. It about how media celebrities and magazines make us believe that were not perfect from repetition of people faces and bodies. I got to say, i’m very surprised with the outcome of the film because I thought it was going to look […]

production part 3

During the production of Broken a few things can go wrong, for example not realising something has moved, like the eye of the character. It took me a few shoots to realise that the has moved because I was focusing on how to move the page correctly. Which happened again because moving two objects can be hard, […]

Production part 2

  I was working in my room, so I didn’t have that much room, but I moved some furniture  around to make room. Although, I forgot to take a photo of the area I was working in, but I quickly draw the area i was working in. Down below. I can’t really complain about the area […]

Magazine cover

In the film, I know I needed to have a magazine filled with what was right and wrong for the viewer and I wanted the name of the film to be the tile on a magazine. so I stared to create a cover for a magazine using cut outs but I couldn’t found the right […]


At the beginning I was hoping to use to use watercolour, to create the character because watercolour you can blend tow colour to get a soft or dark tone. Which will be ideal for the skin tone. Although, when I used the material on card, the card wasnt very supported of the matercial because the card […]

New Storyboard and storyline.

story line Walks in sits down see her reflection (she seem unhappy) she see the magazine she goes thought the magazine she see the list of do’s and don’t’s she cuts out the lips of do’s she puts the magazine and the lips on the table she pulls a trace across the table she looks […]

Jan Švankmajer

After our group meeting I ask one of the tutors for the number of the video he mention in the feedback. At first when he mention the artist number, I didn’t know who it was intill I saw the video, then it hit me it was Jan. This video is very interesting and bizarre but […]


I quickly done a experiment of what I have done so far because I wanted to show the tutors of what I would like my film to be like. I’m not proud of the arms or the facial expressions but it was the best I can do, in a short period of time. After showing […]

Storyboard; Final

I wanted to add all the details like Hayao miyazaki did with each of his storyboards. Although, I didn’t have that much time, so I used pencils to draw each scene then go back and redo it in fine layer pen. It’s not Hayao standards but you can tell whats happening in each shot. Someone […]

Final Plot.

As I was doing the story board, I wrote down the plot of the story so I can send it to other group memebers and to help me think of different camrea angles for our film. Beginning; View of main character looking down at the magazine and we see her flicking through She then rips […]