Final Film


This is my final film, Broken, it’s 2 mins cut out animation film. It about how media celebrities and magazines make us believe that were not perfect from repetition of people faces and bodies.

I got to say, i’m very surprised with the outcome of the film because I thought it was going to look weird or lacking something or even going to look like a big mess. As I was a big mess making it. But the film actually turned out okay, it was good quality, good colour, just overall it was okay and good.

The only thing I could improve is the set of the camera and the size because  I didn’t realise that the camera size I had on, was too big, i thought it was part of the quality of the camera.

I did try to use glass as different layers but the you could see the light reflection on the glass, it would look unprofessional. I had trouble with the materials because I didn’t have enough pen makers, so I had to stick with watercolour which was making the paper bend. Then having trouble with the objects because some thin and weak, which broke easily. And the background moving without me knowing, so the background looks tended. Their was a lot of problems, silly mistakes which I didn’t noticed that, that why they are called silly mistakes.

However, I made it though and I have a film to show. I do like the film, because I did it all by myself, flaws and all. I put a a lot of thought, energy and will power into this film. I believe the story about media comes out of the film, and you get a real sense of the message behind it. A few people had comment about it has a good touch of the media, it has a good story and it looks great.

The hardest part about making this film is time, not having time to perfect each part of animation. It was hard to plan ahead because life gets in the way with the bad and good news. Mostly bad news for me. I did organise myself to complete the film early but you can’t plan production , as anything can go wrong. Personally, I felt like giving up on it because I was afraid, of failing as I was alone. And I had that negative mood with me, while making this film and I believe that made me slow, as I felt like every step I was digging my own grave. I was feel very depressed because I got to the point where I didn’t believe in my self, and believing in myself led me doing the film alone. Well the other reason I was so intend of doing the film is because I was passion about the story plot. Although, while doing the animation I just kept building negative thoughts; no one going to understand, I’m not going to completed this, this film is a child film, it stupid and the worst thought was “everyone going to laugh at it”. I had these thought for so long that made me hate the film with every moment. But after talking to a lot of people, they supported me gave me advice when I need t and believed in me, which encouraged me to complete have today. The film is really for the people who believed in me.


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