
At the beginning I was hoping to use to use watercolour, to create the character because watercolour you can blend tow colour to get a soft or dark tone. Which will be ideal for the skin tone. Although, when I used the material on card, the card wasnt very supported of the matercial because the card was bending, the matercial was getting little paper balls, and it look not good. However, I had these markerpen which I used for the skin but the skin pen ran out halfway though and I couldn’t buy any more because they were out of shock. So I had to use watercolour and not too too much water on the card, which worked, I just had to put the pieces in a heavily book to keep them straight.

As you can see below, I have mouth movements, different eye shapes reflecting different emotions, and hand movements.


On the left, is the hands I created for the film.  On the right, is my quick ideal imagine of my character, which help me for create the sizes of the eyes and month because I didn’t want the month being bigger than the eyes. So having a sketch of my character helped me get the realistic look.

  • Backgrounds;

I created my backgrounds with different kind of paper, to keep that smooth look to them. I also used tracing paper for the back of the mirror, when the black design which in the mirror because it creates an interesting look to it.


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