New Storyboard and storyline.

story line

  • Walks in
  • sits down
  • see her reflection (she seem unhappy)
  • she see the magazine
  • she goes thought the magazine
  • she see the list of do’s and don’t’s
  • she cuts out the lips of do’s
  • she puts the magazine and the lips on the table
  • she pulls a trace across the table
  • she looks at the trace and their lots of cuts out
  • she makes her perfect face
  • she happy
  • she started to added it onto her face
  • she still unhappy she add more
  • and more
  • now she happy and completed
  • she about to walk off intill she remembered to add lipstick
  • she goes back down
  • she goes into her bag to get the lipstick
  • we follow her hand
  • and eventually we get to her real face with all the cut outs on-top of each other.
  • fin

down below is stroyboard.

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Down below is the storyboard.


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