Jan Švankmajer

After our group meeting I ask one of the tutors for the number of the video he mention in the feedback. At first when he mention the artist number, I didn’t know who it was intill I saw the video, then it hit me it was Jan. This video is very interesting and bizarre but for the right reasons because there two person, how are completed perfect match for them. We know this because when the two characters open their mouth situation and the solution will show up. For example, pencil and pencil sharper. So the two head continue to do this for like a min, intill something goes wrong and the situation becomes another situation and so on.

It’s a interesting video and it hard to explain the video without further information about the video or the artist. But I like the idea of destroying yourself with yourself, it basically what my character is doing to herself.

situation is face – solution is  makeup

too much solution because a situation.

which perfectly explains my film, because she finds solution in makeup but too much solution is destroying yourself because it because a situation. which is like Jan Film, so our film ideas kinda mix together, well I hope my film because anything good like Jan film.

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